Shamrock Dirt Work takes pride in serving our residential, commercial, and industrial communities. We have provided services for single residents as well as several Home Owner Associations. Some of our residential projects include maintaining driveways, pad construction, correcting yard slopes for water drainage, installing tin horns, and clearing trees for construction. We offer various types of gravel and aggregate to suit your project. Please refer to our list below for more.
When completing any project, we always check for proper grade and slope for drainage. Your project should be done right the first time.

Critical grades and slopes are verified by Topcon RL-H4C Laser Transit.

What to expect:
Clients will receive a detailed written estimate to be agreed upon before starting the project. Once agreed and on schedule, we will keep clear and open communication throughout the process. Once the project is completed we will go over the project a final time to ensure all areas of the estimate were completed as outlined.
Browse our project Gallery which includes various before and after pictures, and our YouTube channel, which has detailed videos of many of our projects, as well as reviews and tutorials.
Here is a list of many of the services we offer:
Gravel Driveways
Road Maintenance
Building Pads for House/Shop
Tinhorn Installation
Land Grading/Erosion Control
Water Drainage Solutions
Pond Excavation/Pond Fill In
Tree clearing with Excavator
Sod or Overseeding
Much much more!

Please call
Let us know what you need.

Service Area:
Oklahoma City and surrounding area, including Noble, Norman, Moore, Edmond, Arcadia, Jones, Choctaw, Harrah, Little Axe, Pink, McCloud, Shawnee
Don't see your area? Give us a call and we will see if we can accommodate you!